Thursday, August 21, 2014

New Granny file 31 about disclosure for Red Folder

“Ask Granny”©
“Who will see my information?”

“Ask Granny”© presenters are often asked “who will see the information that I am recording today?” The answer is:   No one but your family! Any records created during an “Ask Granny”© presentation are the sole property of the person who created them. Copies are never kept by the presenters of the program.

In addition, “Granny” presenters have been asked by many organizations, particularly libraries, if the Family Group Record sheets or copies of them can be turned over to an organization to be archived or made available to other researchers. The answer here is the same. ...the records are created solely for the family of the attendees and are never shared.

It has always been the intent of the “Ask Granny”© creators that the materials created by the individuals participating will remain in their personal files for use by their heirs. We also include a letter in the Red Folder entitled “Part of my legacy to my family,” to make family members aware that this record was created for the sole use of the family and that it should be passed along only to family members for their use in maintaining a family history, not necessarily as a Genealogical document with source citations.

Remember, also, that no attempt has been made to verify the information on the Genealogical Ancestral chart. Each detail is merely a recorded memory of a name, date, or place. It is hoped that future family members with an interest in their ancestry will be able to use the information as a guide as they seek documentary evidence to confirm the details on the family chart. If that is the case, then our “Grannies and Grandpas” have done their work well!

©2014  G. Crane and J. Russell
File 31    21 August 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

"Granny" receives "Honoring our Ancestors" Grant from Megan Smolenyak

Here's some really exciting news about "Ask Granny!"  Our program has
received the July 2014 Seton Shields Genealogy Grant given by Megan
Smolenyak as part of her nationally acclaimed "Honoring our Ancestors"

Each month Megan recognizes a grassroots genealogical endeavor with a
description in her newsletter and with a grant to foster further activities.
You can read about the other 2014 recipients here:     Our grant will be discussed in the
upcoming September edition of the newsletter.

We are so honored by this recognition of our local "Ask Granny" activities
and of the national and international activities of our "Granny"  file
recipients. We are glad to be able to share the news with all of you who
have been involved with the program, either for your family reunion or for
the outreach activities of your senior citizen group or genealogical

To all of our "Granny" partners in the USA and around the world...thank you
for being a part of our program.  We hope that this national recognition and
honor will inspire you in your planning of future activities as it has us.

Regards from Judy and Greg, aka "Ask Granny"

Judith F. Russell, Ph.D. and Gregory L. Crane, Captain, USCG, Retired

"Ask Granny"©     Free Genealogical Materials for Senior Citizens       email:

Georgia Genealogical Society's Award:  2011 Outstanding Contribution to

July 2014 "Honoring our Ancestors" Seton Shields National Genealogy Grant