Monday, October 13, 2014

Announcing: "Ask Granny"© LITE

Ask Granny© Lite

Using the materials for individual interviews

Over the years, we've fulfilled many requests from individuals who wanted to use our Ask Granny© materials in a simple setting with one of their own family members. We've been delighted to send the files and to think of the materials being used in this way.

We can imagine that many of our Ask Granny© contacts and file recipients might have an opportunity, especially during the holiday season, to talk to family members about their memories of family names, dates, and places. What a chance for a genealogical treasure to be created! Just think ahead a bit .. if the gathering is not at your house, it would be best to check with your hostess/host about the timing of your interviews. Also let the grannies and grandpas a little in advance that you would like to ask them a few questions about family names and places.

We know from personal experience how hard it is to scribble down names as someone reminisces. So using the Ask Granny© chart (File 1: A Genealogical Gift to My Family) would be extremely helpful to record information during your conversations about family memories.

And an interview is the easiest way possible to capture the memories. YOU will do the writing -- your granny/grandpa won’t have to understand how the chart works or how to write things in good genealogical format--you will do it for them! And all you need is a basic understanding of how to record info on the ancestral chart...starting with the ME on the chart (your interviewee) and working backward through time.

How to

The Granny Ancestral Chart (file 1: A Genealogical Gift to my Family), a manilla folder, an extra sheet of paper, and a pencil are all you will need. We recommend that you have the ancestral chart enlarged to 11 by 17 inches and that, after the interview, you staple it inside a colorful manilla folder. This is simply so that the material will be noticed and not thrown away. You could even label the folder something like “Granny Brown’s Family History.”

(The easiest way to get the Ancestral Chart printed is to simply forward the email with Granny File© 1 attached directly to your local copy shop with directions to enlarge it to 11 by 17 inches and print it in black and white. The cost is usually about $.20 per page. The manilla folders come in small packets at the Dollar Stores, office supply stores, or other retail outlets. Email if you need a replacement of File 1.)

Now you are ready to proceed. If you need a quick refresher course, read over Ask Granny© File 7 “Instructor’s Talking Points.” To help future researchers understand the chart, all you need to remember are Granny’s Four Common Sense Rules:

1.  Always print
2.  Woman always are identified by their MAIDEN names
3.  Dates are written out completely:  23 May 1923
4.  Places are written with as complete info as you can as regards to city, county, state.

Individual interviews could be wonderful holiday experiences for all generations of the family. You’ll see from my photos that the interview technique is simple and fun to set up and accomplish. Children can easily participate, as I learned from my grandson’s 8 year old classmates. You probably won’t be able to complete each chart, but you will have a good beginning and you can follow up later in person or by phone.

We have included, below, an additional page to help you record some bonus material about your interviewee. You can print this out to staple it, also, in the folder. If time and energy permit, you might ask the interviewee about their extended families:

1. Your brothers and sisters
2. Your father's brothers and sisters
3. Your mother's brothers and sisters

We hope you will consider the “Ask Granny Lite” individual interview possibility during Holiday Season or at a more quiet time of the year! You’ll be helping to create a lasting genealogical gift for the whole family.

As always we welcome your questions and comments.

Judy Russell and Greg Crane  
13 October 2014

Family Interview using "Granny LITE"

Granny LITE folder

Judith F. Russell, Ph.D. and
Gregory L. Crane, Captain, USCG, Retired
"Ask Granny"©
Free Genealogical Materials for Senior Citizens      




Georgia Genealogical Society's Award:  2011 Outstanding Contribution to

July 2014 "Honoring our Ancestors" Seton Shields National Genealogy Grant


Additional Information

Date ______________________________
Name _____________________________

My brothers and sisters (name and birth date)

My father’s brothers and sisters (name and birth date)

My mother’s brothers and sisters (name and birth date)